
"Total Clarity" Walking Component Postponed

Hey Everyone,

After a lot of thought and discussion, we have decided to postpone the walking component of “2020: Total Clarity” until further notice.

It may prove in the coming days - or even hours - that a government mandate will take any choice out of the matter. Nevertheless, we come to the decision willingly with the understanding that the circumstances playing out in the world override any individual ambition.

We must take ownership of the fact that we belong to a countless number of communities, both seen and unseen. These communities can be as small as our two floor apartment building or as large as the human race. The fact that community building is a stated goal of “Total Clarity” makes it even more imperative we behave with deference if we’re to maintain our desired throughline of integrity.

It’s not worth more than a sentence to express our disappointment at the postponement. This period of indefinite confinement will only serve to further texture our marathon rambles when the time finally comes. And as this website demonstrates, walking is only one-third of the creative output intended for this project.

As such, we’re pivoting our momentum towards the “podcast” component of the project. What this means is more content on our YouTube channel - both livestreams and pre-recorded videos. We’re still sorting out exactly what this looks like, but you can expect more on the topic as early as next week.

In this time of fear and uncertainty for many, let us also feel gratitude for personal health; sympathy for those in direct conflict with the virus; and empathy for those caught in the crossfire of personal, familial, and financial responsibilities. And if there’s any bandwidth leftover after all that, maybe spend some time in the silence of your home reflecting on this powerful demonstration of the human organism - it’s frailty as well as its connectedness. For one day this spell will pass, and the resulting decompression could grant us the space for progress unseen in our lifetimes.

Thanks as always for your support. Much, much more to come.

Regards, Mike and Jessi